Princess Claudia
Shine, you’re a star --Princess Claudia


Princess Claudia’s New Tour

Princess Claudia has announced next year’s tour dates for her brand-new tour. Princess Claudia is busy getting ready for next year’s tour by collaborating with artists on new songs and a totally new show, featuring dazzling special effects, dancers, and amazing talent. “It’s really amazing working with all these talented people,” said Princess Claudia.  “Our talents complement each other, and together, we will work together to deliver an unforgettable, mind- blowing experience for all of my fans.”

The Lombardi Collection

Who better to showcase the exclusive Lombardi Collection than Princess Claudia, known for her trend-setting fashion statements. Learn more about The Lombardi Collection at

Princess Claudia recovering


Thanks to the hard work of first responders, emergency services, and medical staff, Princess Claudia is recovering well after collapsing suddenly and unexpectedly at last Saturday’s event. “Fame is hard, but I am learning to manage it well,” said Princess Claudia.  “While relapses are sometimes unavoidable, I am confident I am able to overcome whatever is required.” “I thank my fans for all their loyal support,” added Princess Claudia.

Princess Claudia Charitable


Thanks to you, Princess Claudia’s well-meaning and good-hearted friends, Princess Claudia’s charitable foundation has been off to a wonderful start, exceeding all expectations in a record- breaking amount of initial donations. A big thank you to all of you!


To make this the best tour to date for all her amazing fans, Princess Claudia has collaborated with over 20 breakthrough artists.


Shape the future and discover your true destiny by being part of one of Princess Claudia’s events.


Your attendance at Princess Claudia’s events can help the less fortunate. Donations to her charitable foundation are accepted at most events.